Types of Sleep Disorders and Their Treatment

by Arun Raj on March 03, 2023

Sleep disorder is a condition that disrupts a good night’s sleep. It is a commonly observed and treated condition globally.

Usually, a sleep disorder occurs mainly due to stress, hectic schedules or a sudden/unforeseen event. The extent of the impact a sleep disorder can have depends upon its type. However, irrespective of the type, sleep disorders can have a negative impact on an individual’s mood, energy, concentration and overall well-being.

The treatment for the type of sleep disorder is based on the quantum of impact generated.

It is important to diagnose and receive treatment right away if you suspect you might have a sleep disorder. When left untreated, the negative impact of sleep disorders can lead to further health consequences. They can also affect your performance at work, cause strain in relationships, and impair your ability to perform daily activities.


Sleep disorders can be of different types that include,


A type of sleep disorder where an individual is unable to fall asleep or remain asleep for a long time. Insomnia can lead to depression, weight gain and difficulty in concentration.

Sleep Apnea:

This is a more complicated type of sleep disorder that can affect the breathing process. Sleep Apnea can be extremely dangerous if not treated at the appropriate time and it is concerned with the supply of oxygen to the body. It can be categorized into two types; Central Sleep Apnea and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.


This is a class of sleep disorder which leads to abnormal movements and behaviour during sleep. This can include sleepwalking, sleep talking and bedwetting.


Treatment for sleep disorders can vary depending on the type and underlying cause. However, it generally includes a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle changes.

Medical Treatments:

Your doctor will study your medical history and based on the findings he might suggest certain medications that might include,

Medications to treat any underlying health condition

Medications to treat cold

Medications to treat allergic conditions

Medications (if required a small surgery) to treat conditions like sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes:

It has been proved that Lifestyle changes can have a significant impact in treating the most complex of diseases. Sleep disorders are no different. Some of the activities that can be considered include,

Practicing a more balanced and healthy diet

Reduce sugar intake

Adhere strictly to a particular bedtime

Limit intake of caffeine

Stress Busting Activities:

Most of the evaluations by prominent doctors have proved that stress can be a major factor in suffering from sleep disorders. Hence, practicing deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga etc. can have a calming influence on the mind. This can reduce stress and help in getting a peaceful sleep.

Limiting Alcohol:

Alcohol consumption is a proven disaster and opens the doors to many complex health conditions. Limiting or completely avoiding alcohol can do a world of good not just by reducing sleep disorders but also improving the immunity system to counter any type of illness that can disturb the body.

Limiting Tobacco:

Tobacco consumption, just like alcohol, is a significant reason for many health hazards. Reducing or completely avoiding tobacco can add many more years to your life by helping you get a good and sound sleep.

The Final Word:

The effects of sleep disorders can be so disruptive that you will likely want immediate relief. Unfortunately, long-term cases can take a bit more time to resolve. However, if you follow your treatment plan and doctor’s instructions, you can find your way to good sleep.

Good Nidra is a proven program to understand the ways and means to counter sleep disorders. Experts handling this program have loads of experience in effectively analysing, counselling and helping patients overcome the worse of sleep disorders.

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